Nov 27 - Nov 29
All students in Grades 9-11 are assigned to a grade-level Dean for College and Academic Advising, who serves as an advocate and resource. The Deans meet individually with students throughout the year, assisting them in finding a balance between academic and extracurricular pursuits. To complement individual advising, the Deans introduce and use MaiaLearning, an online platform designed to assist with college and academic planning and advising. Deans also coordinate a series of grade-level educational programs for families and students to help them understand and prepare for the college admission process.
College Counselors are assigned to students during their junior year, assisting students as they navigate the college admission process. Our College Counselors offer students and families expertise drawn from decades of experience on both the high school and college/university side. They have visited over 300 colleges and universities and served on counselor advisory boards at a number of colleges/universities, including California Institute of Technology, Ithaca College, the University of Chicago, the University of Michigan, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of South Carolina.
College Counselors work with students to create personalized college lists that support each student's goals and interests, assist students in creating applications that are comprehensive and compelling, and keep students and families informed of the evolving trends and policies that impact college admission.
If you are interested in visiting Pine Crest, please email Someone from our office will contact you regarding your request.
The College & Academic Advising Office is located on the Fort Lauderdale campus. The office number is 954-492-4117.