Middle and Upper School students are required to have an approved laptop for use in classes.
Required Operating System: Windows 10 Professional for a PC and Mac OS X v.12 (Monterey) or later for an Apple MacBook.
Microsoft Office
When ordering a laptop, please do not purchase Microsoft Office. It will be installed at Pine Crest during configuration. The $120 fee will be charged even if a new laptop already has Microsoft Office installed. This fee will be charged to the student’s account.
Alternative Devices
There are many alternative network access devices available today, such as Android tablets, iPads, and Chromebooks. While Pine Crest may allow them to be brought to campus, these devices also need to be configured by the Technology Department to access the network. A standard Mac or Windows-based laptop is still required for all students from grades six to twelve.
Recommended Models for 2024-25
- Apple MacBook Air 13-inch
- Apple MacBook Pro 13-inch
- Dell Latitude 2-in-1
- Dell XPS 13
Shop for Apple
Shop for Dell
My Pine Crest username and password are required to access this page.
You are not required to purchase a recommended model. We provide recommendations to make it easier for you to order. All student laptops must be configured for Pine Crest's network by the Technology Department before being used on Pine Crest campuses. While Technology Center only repairs Apple and Dell computers under warranty, the Center should always be the first stop when a student has an issue with their computer regardless of warranty status or where it was purchased.
If you are ordering online, please have the laptops delivered directly to Pine Crest's shipping address:
Pine Crest School
[Insert Student's Name]
Attn: Technology - [Indicate the student's campus BOCA or FTL]
5959 NE 14th Ave
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334
Although the preferred method for delivering your student's laptop for configuration is to have it shipped directly to Pine Crest, occasionally, parents use existing laptops or have purchased them elsewhere. Click on "WHEN\HOW DO I DROP OFF MY EXISTING OR NEWLY PURCHASED LAPTOP FOR CONFIGURATION?" below for details. If ordering online from Apple, please do not select “Deliver from Store as Soon as Today" via "Scheduled Courier Delivery." Click here for the June 6, 2024 letter sent to families.
Why should I buy a school-recommended configuration?
Recommended models chosen by the Technology team which meet the various needs of our students. These laptops:
- Are all conveniently listed in one location to allow for easy comparison and purchase (avoiding multiple visits to computer stores or websites trying to determine which model to choose).
- Have the extended warranty and accidental damage pre-selected to ensure the proper level of protection and support is included.
- Will be shipped directly to Pine Crest for configuration. Once configured, the laptop can be picked up from Pine Crest during the summer or on the first day of classes.
- The purchase is made directly with the manufacturer. Pine Crest School neither sells laptops directly nor receives any compensation from your purchase.
What should I buy?
The Technology team has several recommended DELL and APPLE laptops linked via this page. We strongly recommend purchasing one of these models to help ensure each students' success. Things to consider when deciding which model to select:
- What activities will your student be participating in? Courses and clubs such as graphic design, robotics, yearbook, PCTV/PCNN, programming\coding, etc. have a higher utilization of the laptop’s resources (process, memory, storage, etc.). In this case, your student would benefit from a laptop with more processor speed, increased memory (RAM), and additional internal storage (SSD\harddrive space).
- Screen size can also be of benefit for viewing, however, the larger the screen size, the larger the footprint of the laptop. Meaning it could be more cumbersome for your student to carry daily. This is why our recommended models have 13" or 14" displays.
- The bare minimum requirements for a laptop are:
- Processor i5 or M1
- 8 GB (gigabytes or "gigs") of RAM
- 256 GB hard drive
- Windows 10 Professional operating system for a PC or Mac OS X 10.15 (Catalina) or later for an Apple MacBook.
- Extended warranty/accidental damage coverage
Can I buy any computer I want?
You are not required to purchase a recommended model. We provide recommendations to make it easier for you to order and receive warranty support if needed. The Technology team will provide software support for any make/model of laptop, however, we can only repair Apple and Dell laptops with a valid warranty. If you decide not to purchase a recommended model, be certain it meets or exceeds the minimum requirements.
Can I use a device that is not a laptop (iPad, Chromebook, or Smartphone)?
There are many alternative network access devices available today, such as Android tablets, iPads, and Chromebooks. While Pine Crest may allow them to be brought to campus, these devices may not be supported on the Pine Crest network. A standard Mac or Windows-based laptop is still required for all students from grades six to twelve.
What does the configuration fee include?
The $120 configuration fee covers the cost of licensing for various software installed on the students laptops. A few of these include Classlink, Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Crowdstrike endpoint protection.
When should I buy the computer?
The best time to purchase your laptop is in June or July. This allows ample time for the laptop to be shipped to Pine Crest and configured. Purchasing prior to June is discouraged to avoid a situation when the warranty expires while school is in session in the final year of coverage.
If ordered or delivered to Pine Crest after August 1, a $100 late fee will be added to the configuration fee to cover the cost of any additional resources needed to configure laptops during this time.
Why should I purchase Applecare+\ Accidental Damage Service (Dell)?
We highly recommend purchasing accidental damage insurance. This insurance covers most damage to the laptop, including screen replacement.
Dell offers ProSupport Plus, which covers accidental damage. We recommend ProSupport Plus for all Dell laptops.
Apple offers AppleCare+ which is limited to accidental damage coverage. AppleCare is an extended warranty without accidental damage. We recommend AppleCare+ for all Apple laptops. Third party companies offer separate policies that cover theft, in addition to accidental damage.
If your laptop is out of warranty or does not have accidental damage coverage, the Service Center will not be able to repair the laptop. You would be responsible for getting an out of warranty laptop repaired by a third party or replacing it via a new purchase.
When/how do I drop off my existing or newly purchased laptop for configuration?
Although the preferred method for delivering your student's laptop for configuration is to have it shipped directly to Pine Crest, occasionally, you may use existing laptops or purchase them elsewhere. Summer 2025 drop-off and pick-up days will be announced in June 2025. Note:
- Appointments are not required.
- On the Fort Lauderdale campus, enter the Upper School circle from 62nd Street. On the Boca Raton campus, drive to the Bell Tower main reception area. A member of the Technology team will meet you.
- Please complete this configuration form before arrival. You will be contacted at the number provided on the form when the configuration is completed.
- Do not drop off or pick up your laptop outside of the designated dates and times.
- Students participating in summer activities may drop off or pick up during the Service Center's normal hours, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- As an alternative, students may bring laptops to the Service Center on the first day of class.
- Technology will provide the student with a loaner laptop while configuration takes place.
- The student will be emailed when the laptop is ready for pickup. Students may pick up their laptops Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
- Current Pine Crest students attending class on the Fort Lauderdale campus, are not required to have their laptop re-configured if they are planning to use the same previously configured laptop from the prior school year.
- A $100 late fee will be applied to all configurations ordered online after August 1 or dropped off after July 30.
If you have any questions, please call the Technology Service Center at:
Fort Lauderdale Campus: 954-492-4191
Boca Raton Campus: 561-852-2822
Do you have laptops to lend to students?
Yes. Students may get a loaner from the Technology Center while their laptop is being repaired. Loaner computers are also available if a student forgets their laptop or when they forget to charge their own. Loaners are available for a maximum duration of 10 consecutive school days. A daily rental fee of $25 is assessed thereafter.
If I am registered for the GDCC summer course, when do I have my laptop configured?
There are two distinct times for laptops to be dropped off. The first is for new or current students who are attending GDCC. The second is for new students to Pine Crest or students who have received new laptops.
Pine Crest students who are currently enrolled on the Fort Lauderdale campus (e.g. rising ninth graders) and plan to use the same laptop as the previous school year are not required to have the laptop configured again. Students transitioning from the Boca Raton campus to the Fort Lauderdale campus will need to have their laptops updated. This can be completed during the summer or after the first day of class. If you are a new or current Pine Crest student using a different laptop then the prior year you will be required to configure for the Pine Crest network.
Fort Lauderdale Campus GDCC/Summer Course Configurations (May 28 to June 5, 2024):
- Configuration Drop Off/Pick Up:
- A student may bring their laptop to the Service Center on the first day of GDCC class.
- Technology will provide students with a loaner laptop while configuration takes place.
- The student will be emailed when their laptop is ready for pickup.
- Once contacted, a student may pick up their laptop while on campus before, during, or after class.
*Please do not leave laptops unattended in the parking garage. All laptops need to be dropped off at the Technology Center.
Benefits of Recommended Models
- Authorized on-campus repairs: The Technology Center repairs Apple and Dell computers under warranty.
- Many years of Pine Crest experience: Parent, student, and faculty feedback is incorporated every year into our selections.
- Special Pine Crest pricing: The laptops available via our links include all requirements and recommended warranties at academic discount pricing.
- Easy purchasing and setup: Laptops are shipped to Pine Crest for configuration and you are notified when they are ready for pickup.
Know your warranty.
All laptops should be purchased with a three or four-year parts and labor warranty. The manufacturer’s warranty does not cover theft, loss, or damage. Batteries are typically covered for one year only.
Insure your laptop.
We highly recommend purchasing accidental damage insurance. This insurance covers most damage to the laptop, including screen replacement. Dell offers ProSupport Plus, which covers accidental damage. We recommend ProSupport Plus for all Dell laptops.
Apple offers AppleCare+ which is limited accidental damage coverage. AppleCare is an extended warranty without accidental damage. We recommend AppleCare+ for all Apple laptops. Third-party companies offer separate policies that cover theft, in addition to accidental damage.
Consider a replacement.
When your warranty expires, consider purchasing a new laptop. This ensures you have the most up-to-date hardware and software and that repairs will be covered by the new warranty.
The laptop is a school supply.
The school-required laptop is for use as an educational tool. Loading excessive numbers of games, music, videos, or photos may negatively impact performance.
Back up your files.
Back up your files weekly. Google Drive and USB flash drives work well for backing up schoolwork.
- Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.