Pine Crest Upper School Students Compete at DECA Florida State Competition

Pine Crest Upper School Students Compete at DECA Florida State Competition
Upper School Awards & Achievements

The Pine Crest Upper School DECA chapter competed at the State Career Development Conference recently.


DECA is an international association of high school and college students, professionals, and teachers of marketing, finance, hospitality, and management whose mission is to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in those fields.


The group of 34 students competed against 10,000 high school students from the state of Florida. 


Seven students earned awards of distinction by placing in the top 10 for either testing proficiency or role play. Those who finished in the top six have qualified to compete at the DECA International Career Development Conference in Nashville, Tennessee this April.


Natalie Berman ’21 fifth place in Business Finance 

Gwyneth Bishara ’20 fifth place in Integrated Marketing Campaign

Zach Goldstein ’20 top 10 in Sports Management 

Madison Huang ’23 top 10 in Principles of Marketing 

Simon Kassman ’22 fifth place in Principles of Finance 

Justinsoye Thomas ’22 top 10 in Principles of Accounting 

Kyla Truong ’23 second place in Principles of Finance 


Congratulations to all! 

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Pine Crest Upper School Students Compete at DECA Florida State Competition