Pine Crest Middle School Engineers Compete at EnergyWiz Competition

Pine Crest Middle School Engineers Compete at EnergyWiz Competition
Middle School Awards & Achievements

Pine Crest Middle School engineering students competed at the EnergyWiz competition recently.

Five teams competed in the solar oven challenge, and two teams competed in the junior solar sprint.

The solar oven challenge required students to design and build solar ovens to prepare a three-course meal. The meal then had to be plated and presented to a group of judges. “Luckily, it was a clear and sunny day,” said Ms. Vicki Spitalnick, Pine Crest Innovation Specialist. “Their ovens reached temperatures of 200 degrees Fahrenheit!”

Team XOXO Krispy Kitchen, Amalie Saverimutu ’29, Zoraida De Souza ’29, Adriana Sy ’29, and Emily Gaunt ’29 earned first place in the culinary category for their meal of crispy parmesan potatoes, mahi mahi, pavlova, and dragon fruit lemonade with candied lemon slices.

Team Sun-Sational placed first for oven design. Jordan Wolfe ’28, Charlotte Wolfe ’28, Langley Adler ’28, and Samantha Halpern ’28 prepared chicken and vegetable kebabs, spiral-cut zucchini salad, and smores dip. 

Abby Alexandre ’28, Erica Diaz-Padua ’28, Sofia Hernandez ’28, and Charlotte Wise ’28 of Team Hot Stuff earned third place in the culinary category for their ratatouille, mini-paellas, and fresh fruit.

In the junior solar sprint competition, Alexander Bertoni ’29 and Liam Polyanovsky ’29 earned first place in the innovation category and third place in the design category.

Congratulations to all!

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Pine Crest Middle School Engineers Compete at EnergyWiz Competition