Pine Crest School Students Receive 2020 Pinnacle Awards

Pine Crest School Students Receive 2020 Pinnacle Awards
Awards & Achievements

Three Pine Crest students received 2020 Broward County Non-Public School Association Pinnacle Awards for their exemplary character and for setting an example for other students to follow. 


Pinnacle Awardees excel in one or more of the following areas: academics, community service, citizenship, fine arts, athletics, student activities, perseverance, effort, dedication, commitment to positive goals, improvement in performance, and attitude. Congratulations to this year’s Pine Crest recipients:


According to his teachers, Liam Freeman ’27 is kind, thoughtful, and respectful. As a member of Safety Patrol, he ensures the well-being of his fellow students as they arrive in the morning and often volunteers to assist and mentor younger students. Known for his work ethic and positive approach, Liam exudes what a good role model is and consistently makes good choices. 


Brady Markson ’24 is best known for his innovative ideas, sincere desire to help others, and exceptional leadership. Earlier this year, he successfully pitched an idea for a Sign Language Club to Middle School administrators. When he was in sixth grade, Brady’s mother lost her battle with breast cancer. He continues to honor her by volunteering for Robyn’s Rainbows, which raises funds to help female cancer patients afford a costly hair loss treatment called DigniCap. Brady credits his mother with teaching him how to fight, persevere, and look for the good in the world. 


Jonathan Williams ’21 approaches academics with vigor and curiosity, and repeatedly impresses his teachers with his quick wit, attention to detail, and superior critical thinking skills. Jonathan’s positive attitude and genuine personality distinguish him among his peers. A big believer in volunteerism, Jonathan regularly shares his time with The Boys and Girls Club’s "Chess not Checkers,” where he works with underserved elementary and middle school students to teach them how to play chess while mentoring them. He values the connections he makes there and feels that it is important to be a role model for youth. At Pine Crest, Jonathan is part of the selective three-year Science Research program where he designs experiments, writes research papers, and presents his findings to regional and national research venues. Recently, Sigma Xi Scientific Honor Society awarded Jonathan first place in the Virtual Student Scholars Symposium (VS^3) high school poster presentation category for his research, Identifying Optimal Panobinstat Treatment Regimes Utilizing Reverse-Engineered Concentration Time Curves. 


Congratulations, Liam, Brady, and Jonathan!

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Pine Crest School Students Receive 2020 Pinnacle Awards