Start Spreading the News - Pine Crest Boca Auction

Start Spreading the News - Pine Crest Boca Auction

Pine Crest Boca Auction Saturday, March 9, 2013
Start spreading the news! The "Empire State of Mind" Auction planning is well under way.
We have many new and exciting auction items this year, and we are hoping to make this our best event yet!

By now, you should have received our school-wide mailing with the sponsorship, advertising, and auction donation information. We still have sponsorship and underwriting opportunities available. Sponsorships include tickets to the event, signage at the event, and an ad in our Auction Catalog.

We are still looking to add to our list of great items to be auctioned. If you, or someone you know, is interested in donating any items to the auction, please make sure to contact one of the many auction volunteers or the auction chairs, and we will be happy to help with the acquisition. Items such as beauty and spa certificates, restaurant and gift cards, sports and entertainment tickets, themed baskets etc., are great items for the auction.

The more creative, the better! For more information, contact Dana Yormark at (561) 699-7575 or [email protected]. For basket donations, please contact Marni Gleiber at [email protected].

For sponsorships and underwriting, please contact Karen Foreman at [email protected]. For advertising, please contact Patricia Wallace at [email protected].

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Start Spreading the News - Pine Crest Boca Auction