Pine Crest School TSA Chapter Earns 23 State Championship Titles

Pine Crest School TSA Chapter Earns 23 State Championship Titles
Awards & Achievements Competition

Pine Crest Middle and Upper School’s Technology Student Association (TSA) chapter competed in the Florida TSA Virtual State Competition recently, with both teams earning a combined 23 state championship titles. 
The Upper School team received eight first-place state titles and multiple state awards in 20 different events. The team qualified to compete in the national TSA in 27 events. 
The Middle School team received 15 first-place state titles and received state awards in 16 different events. The team qualified to compete in the national TSA in 25 events.
Additionally, the United States Naval Award was presented to Matthew Wanless ’25, Saiya Mittal ’25, Georgia Kolettis ’27, and Haley Strauch ’21. The award is given to competitors who have shown exemplary leadership in their categories. 
Both Pine Crest Middle and Upper School teams are ranked first in the state of Florida, which according to TSA is the first time since 1978 that a member school’s high school and middle school teams have both ranked first in the competition.
TSA’s membership includes more than 250,000 middle and high school students from across the United States. Competitions are categorized by careers in Architecture and Construction Technology, Communications Technology, Computer Science and Information Technology, Leadership, Manufacturing and Transportation Technology, STEM (General), STEM and the Arts, and Technology and Research. 
The national TSA competition will be held virtually in June 2021.
Congratulations to all!
State Championship Upper School Teams 
Board Game Design
Fashion Design and Technology, their fourth consecutive state title
Future Technology and Engineering Teacher 
Geospatial Technology
Music Production
On Demand Video 
Software Development 
Technology Bowl
State Championship Middle School Teams
Career Prep
Challenging Technology Issues
Community Service Video
Construction Challenge
Data Science and Analytics 
Foundations of Information Technology
Inventions and Innovations
Mechanical Engineering
Off the Grid 
Prepared Speech 
Promotional Marketing 
STEM Animation 
Technology Bowl 
Website Design


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Pine Crest School TSA Chapter Earns 23 State Championship Titles