Pine Crest Middle School eSports Team Joins Inaugural North American Scholastic eSports Federation

Pine Crest Middle School eSports Team Joins Inaugural North American Scholastic eSports Federation
Middle School

The Pine Crest Middle School eSports team has joined the inaugural North American Scholastic eSports Federation Florida Rocket League Competition. The team is one of six Middle Schools participating in the league that will compete over the next four weeks.

The team won their first League match against Suwannee Middle School with a score of 3-2 in the best of five matches.

Congratulations to the whole team!

Ethan Schneider ’25
Levant Ozaktay ’27
Victor Pinnau ’27
Eshaan Atreya ’26
Jeremy Babcock ’27
Jainam Dadia ’27
Ronen Elmaleh ’27
Temai Goodwin ’27
Alex North ’27
Rafael Teplitsky ’27
James Swanson ’27

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Pine Crest Middle School eSports Team Joins Inaugural North American Scholastic eSports Federation