We The People Team Earns State Championship

We The People Team Earns State Championship
Upper School Awards & Achievements

The team of students participated in the program as a component of the Political Science Post-AP Seminar course. 

Out of the six individual groups competing, three of them took home first place in addition to the entire team winning first in the state. The students are now studying to compete at the National We the People competition which will take place in Washington, D.C. this April.

We the People is a simulated congressional hearing in which students serve as experts on one of six specific areas of knowledge regarding American government: historical and philosophical foundations of government, the formation of the Constitution, the evolution of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, institutions of American government, civil rights and liberties, and 21st-century challenges to constitutional democracy. Judges were local lawyers and community members generously volunteering their time.

Congratulations, and GO PANTHERS!

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We The People Team Earns State Championship